グランプリ 森木陽太
全日空賞 藤岡唯毅
グランプリ 福永結菜
日本航空賞 本田桐彩
高知新聞社長賞 加藤芹
NHK高知放送局長賞 川上ひかり
RKC高知放送賞 松岡実李
KUTVテレビ高知賞 西村栞子
KSSさんさんテレビ賞 仰木一菜
エフエム高知賞 津田蘭
ジョン万次郎賞 松岡優李
ジョン万次郎賞 服部朔
ジョン万次郎賞 濵田理央奈
那須 恒夫
Overall,the level of memorization was exceptional. Many speakers were concentrating on saying the right words in the right order, but were not able to look at the audience, project their enthusiasim and thus convey their message. The winners had not only mastered what they wanted to say, but were also able to communicate that message effectively. Well done!!
Gordon Bateson